Data Sharing Relationship Principles
Any use of the Data on the Regional Tri-State (Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont) Department of Transportation Developers Page acknowledges acceptance of the following:
Respect Resources
- Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont have limited resources (servers, admin/development time, etc.) and money.
- Respect the resources of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont’s partners and vendors who make data available to the developer community.
- The community is participating voluntarily and also has limited resources.
- Developers should not represent themselves as Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont or another state entity, and should respect the state seals, logos, etc.).
- Please cite data sources.
Succeed Together
- Projects will showcase what is possible with limited resources.
- Some projects might have broader appeal to other communities, so let's share.
- Some projects could be profitable to the developer and that is fine.
Expect Change
- Things can change. In fact, you should expect that they will.
- Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont will make all efforts to keep data open once it's been released.
- This is an experiment; success in building useful applications could help make it easier to open more Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont data in the future.
Communication is Key
- Open, direct, and honest communication at all times.
- Think about how the community can grow and evolve.
Open, open, open
- When possible, use open standards, formats, and software.
- Be willing to share your successes.
- Interact with community members in a productive manner.
- Building applications does not increase the likelihood you will be awarded a contract by Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont now or in the future.